Language center

Language center to enroll in


Indicate the foundation or even the duration of an action

Indicate the time period of an action

Ask someone for something

Request someone’s opinion

Request advice

Request someone’s approval

Ask someone to behave

Give negative or positive advice

Help remind someone of something

Ask someone to have an apology

Request a solution

Request authorization


Pay a compliment

Accept an apology

Accept an invite

Accept take part in a taskOr accept a scheduled appointment


Decline a compliment

Decline an apology

Decline an invite

Decline help

Decline a proposition

Decline an order

Express an optimistic feeling

Express one’s likes or dislikes

Express one’s interest

Express satisfaction or pleasure

Express one’s rely upon someone or something like that

Express relief

Express admiration

Compliment someone

Congratulate someone

Reassure and encourage someone

Express an adverse feeling

Express digust

Express insufficient interest

Express disatisfaction or anger

Express disappointment

Express monotony

Express irritation and outrage

Express hostility/insult someone

Express one’s embarrassment

Express defiance

Express fear or anxiety

Express sadness or despair

Express regrets

Reproach something to a person

Express empathy for someone’s complaint

Voice a complaint


Express a negative or positive feeling

Express surprise

Express curiosity

Express indifference

Express a viewpoint or create a judgement

Create a positive comment about something or someone

Create a negative comment about something or someone



Condition a hypothesis or assume something

Express possible

Express a probability

Express certitude

Express doubt

Express impossibility

Express need

Express a duty

Discuss the future

Discuss future plans

Express a wish

Create a promise

Predict something

Condition conditions

Discuss the past

Recount past occasions

Recount recollections

Recount someone’s words

Present another person’s opinions


Justify a viewpoint


Create a presentation

Give specifics

Produce an alternative


Concede something

Present benefits of a situation

Present the disadvantages of the position

Take part in a discussion

Participate in a discussion

Enroll in a conversation

Finish a discussion

Alter the subject or create a digression

Invite anyone to enroll in a conversation

Interrupt someone

Put someone on hold


Request specifics

Accord du participe passé

Adjectifs + préposition

Antériorité concordance plusieurs temps, prépositions)

Articulateurs logiques (antériorité simultanéité, postériorité)

Articulateurs logiques (but)

Articulateurs logiques (cause, conséquence)

Articulateurs logiques (hypothèse, condition)

Articulateurs logiques (Opposition, concession, restriction)




Concordance plusieurs temps

Conditionnel présent (3/3)

Conjonctions + subjonctif

Conjonctions + subjonctif ou peut-rrtre un indicatif

Conjonctions + subjonctif ou peut-rrtre un infinitif


Formes impersonnelles – degrés de certitude

Futur antérieur


Infinitif passé

Modalisation (valeur plusieurs temps)

Négation : sans + infinitif

Participe présent

Passé simple

Passé surcomposé

Postériorité (concordance plusieurs temps, prépositions)

Prépositions (après united nations verbe, united nations adjectif, united nations nom)

Pronoms en / y (verbes à prépositions)

Pronoms relatifs composé (préposition + qui lequel, laquelle)

simultanéité (concordance plusieurs temps, prépositions)

Subjonctif  (2/3)

Temps du passé

verbes + prépositions

verbes + subjonctif ou peut-rrtre un indicatif

verbes + subjonctif ou peut-rrtre un infinitif

verbes de sentiments + subjonctif

verbes d’opinion + subjonctif


New York Language Center- Bronx


touri abdessamed: please your email to contact ?

goblin master: is this place still open?