French › level two training › everyday existence · le quotidien – wikibooks, open books to have an open world

French › level two training › everyday existence · le quotidien - wikibooks, open books to have an open world hair     






    le peigne

se lever /lǝ.ve/ (help·info) (luh-vay) to obtain up conjugated like acheter Je me lève, je me lave. I recieve up, I wash. se laver / (help·info) (lah-vay) to clean (yourself) Elle s’est lavé l’ensemble des mains. She washed her hands se raser /ʀa.ze/ (help·info) (rah-zay) to shave Il se rase le matin. He shaves each morning. se doucher /du.ʃe/ (help·info) (doo-shay) to have a shower Elle veterans administration se doucher plus tard. She’ll have a shower later. se baigner /be.ɲe/ (help·info) (bay-nyay) to wash (yourself) se brosser l’ensemble des cheveux/l’ensemble des dents to clean a person’s hair/teeth Il faut se brosser l’ensemble des dents chaque matin. You have to brush a person’s teeth every day. le brosse

la brosse à dents

la brosse à cheveux /bʁɔs/ (brohs) (help·info)



hairbrush Elle adore sa brosse à dents rouge. She adores her red toothbrush. se peigner l’ensemble des cheveux /pe.ɲe/ (help·info) (pay-gnay) to comb a person’s hair le peigne /pɛ.ɲ/ (help·info) (peh-gn) comb s’habiller / (help·info) (sah-bee-yuhay) to obtain outfitted, to decorate (yourself) Il s’habille très vite. He will get outfitted rapidly.

When the subject has been doing the experience on her or himself, the verbs are reflexive. However, when the subject would act upon another person, the verb is not reflexive rather the reflexive pronoun turns into a direct object.

Je m’habilleI recieve (myself) outfitted.

Je t’habilleI recieve you outfitted.

Within the passé composé, the verbs use être and also the participle must agree in gender and number using the subject.

Pierre s’est habillé.

Alice s’est habillée.

Georges et Martin se sont habillés.

Lisette et Rose se sont habillées.

French › level two training › everyday existence · le quotidien - wikibooks, open books to have an open world When the subject has beenMarc et Claire se sont habillés.

Je m’appelle Lucie, et je me suis levée à six heures.

Jean et Paul, vous vous êtes levés assez tard.

Grammar · Devoir, Falloir, and avoir besoin de [edit]

To need · avoir besoin de[edit]

The term le besoin /bǝ.zwɛ̃/ (buh-zwa(n)) means need, and therefore the expression avoir besoin de means to need.

To need to · Devoir[edit]

devoir  /dǝ.vwaʁ/ (duh-vwahr)

to need to

je dois /dwa/ (dwah) I must
tu dois /dwa/ (dwah) you need to
il doit /dwa/ (dwah) he needs to
nous devons /dǝ.vɔ̃/ (duh-voh(n)) we must
vous devez /dǝ.ve/ (duh-vay) you need to
ils doivent /dwav/ (dwahv) they need to
du /dy/ (dew) needed to

Yesteryear participle drops the circumflex accent in the other kinds: feminine singular due masculine plural dus feminine plural dues.

Utilized as a noun, le devoir means duty or exercise.

To become necessary · Falloir[edit]


French › level two training › everyday existence · le quotidien - wikibooks, open books to have an open world the verb is

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