His promise of allegiance is sincere, however the feelings are mixed. Residing in Clichy-sous-Bois, among the country’s most deprived areas, inside a dystopian setting of battered high-increases and occasional expectations, hasn’t encouraged feelings of belonging for him.
In 2005, the suburb emerged denoting the marginalisation felt by immigrant youths in France, when two teenagers were electrocuted within an electricity substation after being wrongfully went after by police, sparking massive riots in banlieues nationwide.
Locals state that, bar newer and more effective structures, very little has altered since that time. Unemployment is 40 %. Without any major roads with no rail link, the city remains cut-removed from central Paris, that is only 10 miles away.
Not too Fertass goes there much anyway. He does not feel at ease, especially not because the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher killings in The month of january.
"As Muslims, we are observed in an adverse light," he states. "We’re feeling judged. There’s too little trust."
It is a feeling that’s well-documented, this sense among France’s Muslims to be second-class citizens.
But, within the wake of Charlie Hebdo, which trigger a separate national debate on French identity and values, exemplified through the ‘Je suis Charlie’ slogan, many Muslims felt much more alienated from mainstream French society.
RELATED: Why Charlie Hebdo attack isn’t about Islam
Now, the new horror of November’s massacre, which required 130 lives, has darkened the image further for French Muslims.
Within the ten days that adopted it, official sources reported 35 attacks, varying in the stabbing of the lady putting on a hijab in Marseille towards the painting of red crosses on the mosque within the Parisian suburb of Créteil.
This is an step up from the 116 attacks on Muslims registered by Dilcra, the federal government body responsible for collecting data, within the week following Charlie Hebdo.
But, when the polls are anything to put into practice, public sentiment towards Muslims has worsened. The far-right National Front party made unparalleled gains within the first round of regional elections on December 6, getting effectively surfed the present wave of fear to succeed its anti-immigrant agenda. The party won around 30 % from the election, coming top in six from the country’s 13 regions.
In conclusion is going to be made the decision within the December 13 run-off, however the first-round results happen to be hailed like a historic breakthrough.
This really is regardless of the socialist government’s tough reaction to the crisis.
The present condition of emergency, in position before the finish of Feb, includes a raft of hardline measures, such as the deployment more armed police, who are in possession of vast forces to raid, interrogate and arrest – without judicial oversight.
But you will find fears that innocents are now being ensnared within the dragnet and stripped of the fundamental liberties.
Difficulties of defence
Yasser Louati, a spokesman for Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF), states that Muslims face a triple onslaught of threats – from individuals who conduct the attacks, from citizens who blame them for that attacks and, now, in the government.
In addition, he states, in the present condition of collective publish-traumatic stress, national unity is viewed as a duty and dissent isn’t tolerated.
Lawyer Xavier Nogueras is protecting a number of the 300 those who have been placed directly under house arrest.
In the Tribunal Administratif de Montreuil, his latest client appears hopeful. Who owns a halal hamburger restaurant within the last fifteen years has got the backing of figures at his local town hall.
Find Out More: Paris attacks: Fear, mourning and indifference
Nogueras hands within the testimonies towards the judge, anxiously beginning a discourse to gradually solve the lives from the accused. His client’s wife works lengthy hrs in an insurance office. Since he was put under house arrest, he’s relied on buddies to complete the college runs and also to manage center. Worse, some clients are now staying away from center.
"He’s never set feet in Iraq or Syria. He isn’t an applicant for jihad. The only issue is the fact that he runs a cafe or restaurant which a large number of Muslims frequent every single day,Inch states Nogueras.
Resourse: http://aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2015/12/
Islam and democracy: What's the problem? – UpFront
Edward Walker: The moment I saw Mehdi Hasan's slimy face, I knew there was no truth to be found in this video. Just taqiyya.
AngadVeer Singh: You have got it spot on, the anchor is not letting the sane voice in the panel speak.
Oscar Gonzalez: Regardless of the majority vote, there must be separation of church ans state.
Boutros Boutros Boutros Ghali: I have never ever seen muslim apologists win a rational debate.
Gloomy: Maxmud Xareed, do you believe in democracy and all of its values, eg. equality, liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, civil and human rights, freedom of expression? Yes or no would suffice.
Sunny Lpk: they're god always right
TrueDetective: Topic should be: Sharia and democracy
korneyl geel jire: TrueDetective i agree with u.
flioink: Islam and democracy?\nHAHAHAHA\nNo.