A well known stereotype of american citizens traveling abroad may be the tourist who’s baffled with regards to dealing with any language apart from British. Fair or otherwise, the truth is that while the U.S. doesn’t have a nationwide requirement of students to learn an overseas language in class, the normal European pupil must study multiple languages within the classroom before being a teen.
Studying another language not less than twelve months is compulsory in additional than 20 Countries in europe. In many Countries in europe, students begin studying their first language like a compulsory school subject between 6 and 9, based on a 2012 report from Eurostat, the data arm from the European Commission. This varies based on country and often inside a country, using the German-speaking Community of Belgium – among the three federal communities of Belgium– beginning its 3-year-olds on the language, but areas of the Uk (excluding Scotland) waiting until age 11.
Ireland and Scotland are a couple of exceptions that don’t have compulsory language needs, but Irish students learn both British and Gaelic (neither is recognized as an overseas language) Scottish schools continue to be obligated to provide a minumum of one foreign-language choice to a lot of students ages 10-18. British is easily the most-studied language across just about all Countries in europe and also at all education levels. Fully 73% of primary students in Europe and most nine-in-ten secondary students were learning British in school in ’09-10, the newest years with available data.
Even though some countries mandate that students learn British his or her language, the part of pupils studying it remains high overall, even just in countries without it rule. French and German were the following-most widely used languages in many countries, with Spanish and Russian also broadly trained as other languages in a few parts of the continent. The proportion of scholars learning another language was below 5% in many countries.
Meanwhile, the U.S. doesn’t have a nationwide foreign-language mandate at any degree of education. Many states allow individual school districts to create language needs for top school graduation, and first schools have really low rates of even offering foreign-language course work. Some foreign-learning standards could be met if you take non-language classes. For instance, California requires one course either in the humanities or perhaps a language (including American Sign Language) for those students. Oklahomans can choose to take 2 yrs of the identical language or “of computer systems approved for school admission needs.” On the other hand, Nj students must earn “at least five credits in world languages” or demonstrate proficiency inside a language apart from British before they are able to graduate senior high school.
Possibly due to these different standards, couple of Americans who claim that they can speak a non-British language state that they acquired individuals skills in class. Only 25% of yankee adults self-report speaking a language apart from British, based on the 2006 General Social Survey. Of individuals who know another language, 43% stated they are able to speak that language “very well.” In this particular subset of multilinguals who’re well-experienced inside a non-British language, 89% acquired these skills within the childhood home, in contrast to 7% citing school his or her primary setting for language acquisition.
Topics: Education, Europe, Language
Resourse: http://pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/07/13/learning-a-foreign-language-a-must-in-europe-not-so-in-america/
Top 10 Incredibly EASY LANGUAGES to Learn
TopTenz: Don't like this video? Maybe you think your language should be on the Hardest Languages to learn? Click to see what we thought were the most difficult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVqTNxvytDc
Casrv Sfv: BTS ArmyTalk Dutch grammar is as the average Germanic, quite simple and consistent in structure, the only really complex one out of the Germanic grammars is German grammar. Dutch has less tenses than Portuguese, less forms in each tense and less variation from verb to verb (conjugations), I'm not Portuguese nor Dutch but I informed myself before speaking about it and I'm not biased as to wether one or the other is more indepth, Romance languages tend to have a more complex verb system, that's one of the family's peculiarities, German makes up for that lack of grammar complexity with noun cases/declensions and a less repetitive structure which actually makes it stand out in that sense from the other Germanic ones. Germanic languages in general are way more complex in pronunciation. Dutch doesn't have any of those grammatical features, it's not a competition, I'm amazed how some speakers think their language is incredibly complex, it makes me wonder how much they looked into other languages. I'm a native Spanish speaker, I know my language has a quite complex verb system just as much as I'm aware it has an incredibly simple pronunciation (probably one of the simplest in that regard in Europe), in my opinion the most complex in Europe is Russian, and Portuguese is a special case because it has a very complex pronunciation for a Romance and an average grammar for a Romance which makes it quite complex overall, Portuguese is more complex than Dutch specially grammar-wise.
Knez Fikol: Portuguese? French? Swedish? Norwegian? Easy? Good luck then.
L4r5man: Norwegian is by no stretch of the imagination the closest thing you come to speaking "viking". Icelandic or Faroese is MUCH, much closer.
Guinnessian: +UnnicornBts\nQuote: "As a Faroese person.." In Norwegian that would be 'Som en Færøyisk person…"\nBoom. Two letters that arent in the English alphabet. It doesnt make it any easier.\nAs a side track I could mention the thai language has no word for 'no' .\nIf you ask for something in a shop that they dont have, the reply is 'mai mi' wich\ntranslates to 'not have' The word 'no' is nonexistant. I dont know why, but its a fact.
SwifT: not true norwegian is the closest to vikings because the first viking came from noway. the vikings started from norway so its norway nto iceland
Jaime Jiménez: ¿El español fácil para hablantes de inglés? No pueden pronunciar correctamente ni "perro"
TheThrashyOne: +Jaime Jiménez Depends on the English speaker's region, probably. I'll bet Brits have a devil of a time rolling a double R (or even a single R for that matter), but being from CenCal I was able to do it without a problem. \n+xPoWeR21YT I've never met a single person who couldn't wrap their head around Ñ. Unless you're talking about gringas who pronounce "jalapeño" as "juh-lappin'-oh", but in my experience such people are only ever pronouncing it that way when ordering something at Taco Bell, not when making an honest attempt to speak Spanish.
Blanca Ortega: exactamente. a muchisimos de mis compañeros que no hablan español se les hace difícil saber pronunciar bien las cosas o aprenderse la gramática.
KFC Mayn: Italian IS NOT EASY TO LEARN! It is my mother language and all I hear when my relatives speak Italian is "BEEPIDi BAPIDI BOOPIDY BAPIDY! COMASTAY NEIE NUEMOEOZAMZOANAKCLNJCWKVBWJBVHWNBV"