French placement exam – about pre-testing – orientation – iup

French placement exam - about pre-testing - orientation - iup in most lowercase

If you’ve been assigned to accept French Exam in your Orientation confirmation letter, you must achieve this, at home or any other location having a web-enabled computer, before coming at orientation. We’ll make sure that your answers are imported to your permanent placement counseling reports.

Should you be not assigned to accept French exam but took French in senior high school and might want to take French attending college, you might go ahead and take exam. You must achieve this, at home or any other location having a web-enabled computer, before coming at Orientation. Since you weren’t allotted to test, after concluding, e-mail and tell us you required test incorporate your name and ID when e-mailing. We’ll make sure that your answers are imported to your permanent placement counseling reports.

Instructions to take the WebCape French Placement Exam

  1. Connect with the WebCAPE Language Placement Exam website.
  2. Next, select “Indiana College of Pennsylvania (IUP)” in the pull-lower menu and click on a tight schedule button.
  3. Around the next page, WebCAPE will request your password. Type (in most lowercase): placement and press the login button.
  4. Browse the short opening paragraph. Then make use of the new pull-lower menu to pick FRENCH and click on BEGIN.
  5. Enter your data. Alongside “ID Number,” please indicate your IUP Banner ID (@xxxxxxxxx) to assist us locate your score.
  6. The following page may be the example to inform you exactly what the test may be like. Select a solution and click on SUBMIT ANSWER.
  7. The real test starts now! When WebCAPE is fairly sure regarding your level, it’ll stop asking questions and supply your score.
  8. Following the test, if you would like more details regarding your proficiency in French or if you wish to learn more about IUP’s beginning and intermediate multimedia French courses, contact Dr. Dassier ( 405 Sutton Hall).

Best of luck!

You are able to download a PDF form of these instructions here.


Placement Test Orientation