Srfacs enrichment activities – class descriptions

Srfacs enrichment activities - class descriptions care, how animal physiquesSrfacs enrichment activities - class descriptions Cardinal Richelieu had 14 cats

Are French Bulldogs are actually from France? How did the Papillon dog get its name? Could it be true the Cardinal Richelieu had 14 cats residing in his apartment at Versailles? Veterinary prescription medication is stipped ever, and also the French everyone loves their animal buddies, so we’ll find out about French culture and history on the way once we explore the enjoyment, gross weird and amazing realm of veterianry medicine! Students will adopt their very own "pet" and employ their math, science, and ctritical thinking skills to discover responsible pet possession, routine health care, how animal physiques work, recognizing indications of illness, and also the tools and skills vets use to look after creatures. Hands-on demonstrations, class problem-solving, authentic medical equipment, models, and brief educational videos highlight new topics and review important prevoius topics (dog bite avoidance, pet possession needs) each trimester. Live animal guest check us out on select days to assist us practice what we have learned! Visit kidvet.internet or to learn more. Dr Pam Wittenberg has over twenty five years of experience of veterinary medicine. When she isn’t teaching kids about creatures and science, she works at VetPronto in Bay Area and teaches within the Veterinary Technology Program at SRJC.


SEA: Project Empowerment (Compton)


Jose Velasquez: nice video

Alexander Edgar 47: keep up the good work guys