French/british beginning readers books:

Animaux et nombres
A Printable Book in French

A brief, printable book about creatures and also the figures in one to eleven. It has pages for that student to see (in French only) and sentences in write in French. For instance, "Je vois huit chiens. (I see eight dogs.)"

A brief, printable book about farm creatures in French – for early readers. It has pages for that student to reduce, read, and color, with animal names to create. The web pages are: cow, pig, horse, sheep, chicken, goat, poultry, donkey, and duck.

Le Camping
Camping Words in French

A brief book about camping words in French to print for early readers – it is formed just like a tent. It has pages for that student to reduce, camping gear to paint, and French words to repeat. The camping words include tente/tent, feu de camp/fire, lampe torche/flash light, sac de couchage/sleeping bag, sac à dos/backpack, chaussures de marche/hiking boots, bassole/compass, bouteille d’eau/water bottle, and canoë/canoe.

Le Cirque
Circus Words in French

A brief, printable book concerning the circus in French – for early readers. It has pages for that student to reduce, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The web pages are: cheval (horse), clown (clown), jongleur (juggler), tigre (tiger), éléphante (elephant), phoque (seal), acrobate (acrobat), lion (lion), and funambule (tightrope master).

British-French Picture Dictionary – PDF format
A printable British-French picture dictionary: 26 pages in PDF format.

French-British Picture Dictionary – PDF format
A printable French-British picture dictionary: 25 pages in PDF format.

French-British Picture Dictionary, You Are Writing the language – PDF format
A printable French picture dictionary where the student writes the language given pictures: 25 pages in PDF format.

French Word Book
A Printable Activity Book

A brief, printable activity book in French/British (with tabs), with pages on figures, telling time, colors, food, people, and creatures – along with a quiz.

French Word Book #2
A Printable Activity Book

A brief, printable activity book in French/British (with tabs), with pages on clothes, your body, money, vehicles, shapes, along with a place setting – along with a quiz. French/British Creatures Coloring Book Document

A French/British coloring book about creatures. British/French Colors Coloring Book Document

A 12-page French/British coloring book concerning the colors. British/French Figures Coloring Book Document

A 9-page French/British coloring book concerning the figures from -10. British/French Shapes Coloring Book Document

A French/British coloring book around the shapes.

Combien? Halloween Products
Printable Number Book

A brief, printable book for early readers in French, having a Halloween theme and also the figures from one to ten, with pages for that student to reduce, products to count and color, along with a short phrase to repeat. The web pages are: Je vois ___ araignée, bonbons, squelettes, chats, crânes, sorcières, toiles d’araignée, fantômes, potirons, et chauves-souris.

Je m’appelle…
A Printable Activity Book

A brief, printable book concerning the student (in French). It has pages for that student to see, inquiries to answer, and things to do. Topics range from the studnet’s name, age, hair color, the color of eyes, family tree, my home, birthday, favorite color, right- or left-handed, and favorite dessert.

La Maison
The Home in French

An easy book in regards to a house-related words in French to print for early readers. It has house-formed pages for that student to reduce and words to repeat. The language are: porte (door), fenêtre (window), plancher (floor), mur (wall), plafond (ceiling), escalier (stairs), cheminée (hearth), et chambre (room).

Mon livre de mots en français
(My Word Book)

A thing book where the student writes words in French and illustrates them. This printable book may be used to create a book from the words students knows, an image dictionary, or perhaps a theme book (on, for instance, creatures, household products, shapes, colors, figures, etc.).

Mots d’école
(School Words in French)

A brief, printable book about school words in French – for early readers. It has pages for that student to reduce, read, write words in, and color. The web pages are: crayon/pencil, papier/paper, stylo/pen, globe/globe, ciseaux/scissors, livre/book, crayons/crayons, horloge/clock, sac à dos/backpack.

Noël je vois… (Christmas I See…)
Printable Book

A brief book about Christmas in French to print for early readers, with pages for that student to paint and short phrases to repeat. The web pages are: Je vois () une étoile (a star), ange (angel), arbre (tree), renne (reindeer), bas de Noël (stocking), père Noël (Father Christmas), canne en sucre (chocolate cane), et cadeau (gift). cover

Nombres et formes
(Figures and Shapes)

A brief, printable book about figures and shapes in French – for early readers. The tab book has pages for that student to reduce, read, and figures of shapes to attract, for instance, "Je peux dessiner trois triangles." (I’m able to draw three triangles.).

Sous la mer
(Underneath the Ocean)

A brief, printable book about ocean creatures in French – for early readers. It has pages for that student to reduce, read, and color, with animal names to create. The web pages are: fish, shark, ray, lobster, octopus, eel, ocean horse, whale, dolphin, jellyfish, and crab.

Pour la Saint-Valentin
For Valentine’s

A brief, printable book about Valentine’s in French – for early readers. It has heart-formed pages for that student to reduce, read, and color, with French phrases to create. For instance, "Nous envoyons plusieurs cartes." (We send cards.)


Easy Stories for Beginners – reading and listening comprehension in slow french


Lavender Life: I love this. I can actually understand it. I wish it was available  in hard back books. can you recommend other book or short stories on this level?

Annie Bothe: This should be excellent for my beginner students. Mille mercis…………

Sylvie Laine: Hello! Thank you for all your kind comments! Sorry that I don't answer each comment personnaly…

I_Like_it: your Storys are so helpful!!!!!!!!

rob clark: I was really enjoying that, and I could understand it too. I'm going to have to buy the book now….Merci.

robert rey: great video for beginner!! thanks a lot teacher!!

ruplestila: More please!

KD web: merci beaucoup, sylvie :)

Jennette lavender: does the online book have audio like this if i purchase?

Sylvie Laine: Hi Jennette. There is a Kindle ebook, a paperback edition and an Audible edition.