(Credit: Alamy /Valery Voennyy)
As with a number of other European metropolitan areas, Florence is strengthening security nowadays. Visiting some major museums — like the Accademia (with Michelangelo’s “David”), Uffizi and Bargello — will need just a little additional time and persistence as metal detectors and X-ray machines for luggage slow lower lines.
Florence’s Duomo Museum, which reopened this past year after a comprehensive renovation, has rapidly be a top sight. Highlighted by original works that adorned the Duomo, Baptistery and Campanile — including Lorenzo Ghiberti’s outstanding “Gates of Paradise” bronze panels, pictured — the museum offers certainly one of Italy’s great artistic encounters.
Climbing the Duomo’s legendary dome in Florence now requires reservations. Get the appointment for that climb in the ticket office or online (museumofflorence.com).
The museum and dome climb are handled by exactly the same combo-ticket, about $16, that also includes appointments with the Baptistery, Campanile and Santa Reparata crypt. However, the combo-ticket is not required for travelers who purchase the Firenze Card, which provides coverage for many of these and enables you to skip the huge ticket lines for the most part tourist sights (about $77, great for 72 hrs, firenzecard.it).
In nearby Pisa, renovations they are under way at this city’s Duomo, the large Pisan Romanesque cathedral having a famous leaning bell tower. Through 2018, top of the and front area of the Duomo interior is going to be included in scaffold, and also the connected Duomo Museum is going to be closed for renovation. Combo tickets or single monument tickets can be found (about $5-$26, opapisa.it/en).
Resourse: http://newsday.com/travel/
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