A Really Lengthy Engagement , by Sébastien Japrisot, transl. Linda Coverdale
Following the Crash , by Michel Bussi, transl. Mike Taylor
Algerian White-colored , by Assia Djebar, transl. David Kelley
Ambiguous Adventure , by Cheikh Hamidou Kane, transl. Katherine Forest
Antigone , by Anouilh, transl. Barbara Bray
Apocalypse Baby , by Virginie Despentes, transl. Sian Reynolds
All over the world in 80 Days , by Jules Verne, transl George Makepeace Towle
Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Crook , by Maurice Leblanc
Asterix in great britan , by René Gosciny and Albert Uderzo, transl. Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge
Bel-Ami , by Guy de Maupassant, transl. Douglas Parmee
Benny & Shrimp , by Katarine Mazetti, transl. Sarah Dying
Bonjour Tristesse , by Françoise Sagan, transl. Irene Ash
Candide: Or, Optimism , by Voltaire, transl. Theo Cuffe
Cyrano de Bergerac , by Edmond Rostand, transl. Lowell Bair
Harmful Liaisons , by Pierre-Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, transl. Helen Constantine
Destination Moon , by Hergé, transl. Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper
Hopes for my Russian Summers , by Andreï Makine, transl. Geoffrey Strachan
Elise or even the Real Existence , by Claire Etcherelli, transl. JP Wilson
Exercises In Fashion , by Raymond Queneau, transl. Barbara Wright
Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade , by Assia Djebar, transl. Dorothy S. Blair
Fear and Shaking , by Amélie Nothomb, transl. Adriana Hunter
For Bread Alone , by Mohamed Choukri, transl. Paul Bowles
French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff and also the Pen , by Norman R Shapiro
Germinal , by Emile Zola, transl. Roger Pearson
God’s Items of Wood , by Sembène Ousmane, transl. Ros Schwartz
How to speak about Books You Haven’t Read , by Pierre Bayard, transl. Jeffrey Mehlman
Hunting and Gathering , by Anna Gavalda, transl. Alison Anderson
I’m 15 — and that i Shouldn’t Die , by Christine Arnothy
If Perhaps It Were True , by Marc Levy, transl. Jeremy Leggatt
In the God , by Yasmina Khadra, transl. Linda Black
Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow , by Faïza Guène, transl. Sarah Adams
Last Love Poems of Paul Eluard , by Paul Eluard, transl. Marilyn Kallet
Eugelionne , by Louky Bersianik
L’ensemble des Misérables, by Victor Hugo, transl. Charles Wilbour
Madame Bovary, by Flaubert, transl. Lydia Davis
Maigret’s First Situation, by Georges Simenon, transl. Ros Schwartz
Pursuit to Kala, by Mongo Beti, transl. Peter Eco-friendly
Moderato Cantabile, by Marguerite Dumas, transl. Richard Seaver
My Father’s Glory & My Mother’s Castle: Marcel Pagnol’s Recollections of Childhood, by Marcel Pagnol, transl. Rita Barisse
Nedjma, by Yacine Kateb, transl. Richard Howard
No Exit, by Jean-Paul Sartre, transl. Stuart Gilbert
Losing North: Essays on Cultural Exile, by Nancy Huston, transl. Nancy Huston
Oscar and also the Lady in Pink, by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, transl. Adriana Hunter
Poems of Emile Verhaeren, by Emile Verhaeren, transl. Alma Strettell
Rhinoceros, by Eugène Ionesco
Sarah’s Key, by Tatiana de Rosnay
Savage Seasons, by Kettly Mars, transl. Jeanine Herman
Selected Poems, by Emile Nelligan, transl. P.F. Nelligan
Silent Day in Tangier, by Tahar Ben Jelloun, transl. D. Lobdelli
Such A Long Time instructions, by Mariama Bâ, transl. Modupe Bode-Thomas
Sphinx, by Anne Garréta, transl. Emma Ramadan
Submission by Michel Houellebecq, transl. Lorin Stein
Suite Française by Irène Némirovsky, transl. Sandra Cruz
Suspended Sentences: Three Novellas, by Patrick Modiano, transl. Mark Polizzotti
Swann’s Way, by Marcel Proust, transl. Lydia Davis
The Cid, by Pierre Corneille, transl. John Cairncross
The Entire Essays, by Michel de Montaigne, transl. M.A. Screech
The Count of Monte-Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, transl. Robin Buss
The Dark Child by Camara Laye, transl. Ernest Johnson and James Kirkup
The Diving Bell and also the Butterfly , by Jean-Dominique Bauby, transl. Jeremy Leggatt
The Elegance from the Hedgehog , by Muriel Barbery, transl. Alison Anderson
The Exchange of Princesses , by Chantal Thomas, transl. John Cullen
The Remarkable Journey from the Fakir who got held in an Ikea Wardrobe , by Romain Puertolas, transl. Mike Taylor
The Fairies are Thirsty , by Denise Boucher, transl. Alan Brown
The Flowers of Evil , by Charles Baudelaire, transl. James N McGowan
The Foreign Student , by Philippe Labro
The Grand Repudiation, by Rachid Boujedra, transl. Golda Lambrova
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, by Victor Hugo
The Illusionist, by Francois Hammer-Joris, transl. Terry Castle
The Imaginary Invalid by Moliere, transl. Henri van Laun
The Library of Unrequited Love, by Sophie Divry, transl. Sian Reynolds
The Small Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, transl. Richard Howard
The Lover, by Marguerite Duras, transl. Barbara Bray
The Meursault Analysis, by Kamel Daoud, transl. John Cullen
Poor People Man’s Boy by Mouloud Feraoun, transl. James D Le Sueur
The Red and also the Black, by Stendhal, transl. Roger Gard
The Red Collar, by Jean-Christophe Rufin, transl. Adriana Hunter
The Legal rights from the Readers, by Daniel Pennac, transl. Sarah Ardizzone
The Sand Child, by Tahar Ben Jelloun, transl. Alan Sheridan
The Savage Night, by Mohammed Dib, transl. C. Dickson
The Scar, by Bruce Lowery, transl. Bruce Lowery
The Scorpion: Or, The Imaginary Confession, by Albert Memmi, transl. Eleanor Levieux
The 2nd Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir, transl. Constance Borde
The Straightforward Past, by Driss Chraibi, trans. Hugh A. Harter
The Song of Roland, by Unknown Author, transl. Dorothy L Sayers
The Stranger, by Albert Camus, transl. Matthew Ward
Solar of Independence, by Ahmadou Kourouma, transl. Adrian Adams
The 3 Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, transl. Tom Gauld
The Wound, by Laurent Mauvignier, transl. Nicole and David Bell
The Wretched of the world, by Frantz Fanon, transl. Richard Philcox
The Entire Year from the Elephant, by Leila Abouzeid, transl. Barbara Parmenter
Thérèse and Isabelle, by Vioilette Leduc, transl. Sophie Lewis
Tom Is Dead, by Marie Darriesseucq, transl. Lea Hillsides
Twenty 1000 Leagues Underneath the Ocean, by Jules Verne, transl. Scott McKowen
Awaiting Godot, by Samuel Beckett, transl. Samuel Beckett
Are You There? by Guillaume Musso
With Downcast Eyes, by Tahar Ben Jelloun, transl. Joachim Neugroschel
Resourse: http://bookriot.com/2016/07/25/100-must-read-books-converted-from-french/
Top 10 Books To Read Before You Die
Alexandra Basanskaya : The video should have rather been called: "top 10 American (+British) books you should read before you die". What about foreign authors? French, Russian, German?…
Maloudenn Gapuz : Alexandra Basanskaya 👍
Alejandro Moreno : Les Miserables, Don Quixote and Lord of the Rings
Ninja Toe : No Thomas hardy on the list? shame!
Helen Trope : This misses out the whole of French, Russian, Irish, Italian and Latin American and German literature, not to mention the rest of the World. It's therefore missing some fantastic books.
Brian C : It's half American, half British, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. (That said, there's a reason Britain and America are the cultural hub of the Western World. We're simply the best, better than all the rest.)
Jim Gulick : Brian: I'm a well-educated American. I think highly of much of American and British literature. But I think that your assertion that Britain and America are "simply the best, better than all the rest," is chauvinistic, narrow-minded and, frankly, ridiculous.
Jim Blackford : You lost me when you claimed that the characters in Harry Potter were complex.
marinarose46 : Comprehend the books then, seems like you can't even do that.
Claude Vanlalhruaia : What kind of list is this? The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho, Papillon -Henri Charrière, The Divine Comedy-Dante Alighieri, Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy,One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez,etc etc. So many books that are missed here that I thought would make the list.